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[1-Minute Leadership Wisdom] What is "true" self-confidence?

1-minute-leadership wisdom personal leadership Jul 13, 2023

When I was a leader in the corporate world, most people assumed that I must be very self-confident.
To the outside world, I was always strong, I was assertive & it looked like nothing could faze me, and I had all the answers.

On the inside that looked very different.

I was often insecure, fearful of doing or saying the right thing and often pushed through all of that to not risk appearing "weak".

Meanwhile, I know…and feel tWhen I was a leader in the corporate world, most people assumed that I must be very self-confident.
that being open and vulnerable, risking being hurt and knowing I can deal with it - is true confidence.

Why? Because it feels right - no tension anymore between the outside and the inside world. This is actually so freeing and empowering that it's hard to believe unless you felt it.

Don't believe for a second that I never wobble. Being as human as you, my confidence level varies. The good thing is though that I know how true confidence feels, and I can go back to it much easier than ever before. When it's down on the scale, and I fall into old patterns of defence or shutting down, it takes a fraction of the time to return to my true confidence that is always inside of me…just hiding sometimes ;-).

Want to know how to find your true self-confidence? It's an unavoidable result when you go through your self leadership journey. If that's something you consider, shoot me a message and let's talk.

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