Monday thought #6: How safe do you feel?
Sep 27, 2021Feeling safe is crucial for productivity & creativity (and joy) & the 2 reasons why it can be absent.
How safe do you feel these days? A topic that tends to come up again and again with people I talk to and is being addressed in quite a few companies right now (#psychologicalsafety).
For me, safety is mainly the absence of fear.
And let's face it: there are lots of things, situations and people to be afraid of or to worry about. For some people more - for some less.
Here's my Monday thought where I talk about WHY emotional safety is so crucial, the surprising truth where it starts and comes from (and where not), and the two things that are in the way of creating it sustainably.
Let me know what you think and if that is something you have experienced (just hit [email protected] and send me your thoughts).
#mondaythoughts #personalleadership #empowerment